Meet Dr. Mark Wigley

When you visit walk-in MD, you’ll be cared for by a staff of dedicated healthcare professionals led by our supervising physician, J. Mark Wigley, MD. Dr. Wigley has practiced in Bartow County for more than 25 years as a family practitioner with additional specialty training and expertise in dealing with patients of all ages.

Family doctors like Dr. Wigley typically provide care for an entire community, including both preventive care and diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. When necessary, Dr. Wigley coordinates care with other physicians and specialists to give patients comprehensive health care.

Dr. Wigley’s credentials include:

  • Graduated from Berry College with a B.S. in biology/chemistry.
  • Medical Doctorate from Medical College of Georgia.
  • Medical Doctorate from Medical College of Georgia.
  • Residency with the University of Alabama school of Medicine in Anniston Alabama.
  • Board certified in Family Medicine and holds a certificate of added qualification in Adolescent Medicine

Let Dr. Wigley care for you and your entire family.
